“We envision a Flagstaff where the local government, residents, and businesses are empowered to reduce the impacts of our consumption and waste.”
— Flagstaff ReThink Waste
The Flagstaff Sustainability Office has created a ReThink Waste Plan, which outlines our community’s waste prevention and recycling goals:
Achieve zero waste conditions by 2050 through diverting 90% of the material produced in Flagstaff from the landfill.
Reduce overall waste generation.
Reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with Flagstaff's waste and material consumption.
Increase participation in waste and recycling services.
Find out more and read the full plan by visiting our ReThink Waste Plan page.

Contact us
If your recycling bin is damaged or missing, please contact the City of Flagstaff Solid Waste Section at SolidWasteSolutions@flagstaffaz.gov or 928-213-2110.